Monthly Archives: August 2013

I remember the fog that says “I am with you,” I remember the peace that overwhelms, I remember the loving kindness that melts me into tears, I remember the warmth that breathes new life into me… But right now, all I can do is cry out: Rock of Ages, cleft for me…

As I was driving home late last night, my thoughts were with the wedding I had just attended, and I thought of something the bride had said earlier that morning, “(Of her groom) You gave me a reason to stop running away, and something to run to.” Sometimes we look to circumstances to please ourselves. […]

My tears well up when I read “Love is always the laying down” from Ann Voskamp. It’s so true, it’s the daily faithfulness, the daily surrender… that turn minutes into days into decades into a lifetime. And I so want a lifetime of devotion. I want that kind of unfailing steadfastness. I love the heart […]

The Little Things

I let the little things in life bother me sometimes. When it comes down to it, getting frustrated is not worth the effort. My energy can be better spent pursuing a long-term goal, and the time I spend feeling upset is a huge chunk of time I can’t get back. Can these moments be overcome […]