Monthly Archives: December 2013

from Orthodoxy

If the miller’s third son said to the fairy, “Explain why I must not stand on my head in the fairy palace,” the other might fairly reply, “Well, if it comes to that, explain the fairy palace.” If Cinderella says, “How is it that I must leave the ball at twelve?” her godmother might answer, […]

A few good books

There’s one piece of advice for writers: write every day. I would modify that a bit to say it’s okay to read, too, even if you don’t get a chance to write, because reading is in itself like practicing writing. That’s how I discover new words or find out the cadence I like. In fact, […]

Look ahead

Looking back at this year… I started attending BSF and church. After staying away, I’m glad that Jesus came looking for that one sheep. After years of knowing God with my head I started to see with my heart. I realized how through the years I’ve tried to sincere my way to heaven; by that […]

A page from my journal

I think it’s interesting how I used to exercise faith on the level of “I might dare to dream X big” and then plot out the steps to get there. It was still faith because of the uncertainty involved whether I’d get past step 1, 2, 3.. whether that big thing I dared to dream […]