Monthly Archives: November 2015

So, at 11:00 o’clock at night, I have a thought. Do you ever come across something or someone and think “If I were a(n) _____, I’d be that/them”? Or, “_____ is who/what I’d be, if I were a(n) _____.”? Maybe someone’s expressive logic or train of thought really resonates with your own. This is it, I’ve […]

Read this brief resource from the Navigators on Thankfulness. It says that sometimes we don’t give thanks because of pride (I deserve what I have), resentment (I don’t have enough), or mixed-up priorities (like the nine lepers of whom Jesus asked, where are they?) It’s all too easy to point out the ways in which […]

“Is your job a good fit?”

Consider my interest piqued! I just got an email for Elevated Careers by eHarmony, in beta. They’re looking to match jobs to candidates by skills, culture, and personality. I find the timing amusing, considering my recent post on how job matching could work.

I can’t remember the last time I even typed “” Which I guess is a good thing. It used to be my go-to for TV shows like Psych, Warehouse 13, etc. But then all my shows ended ::sad face:: and I decided it was for the better because I wanted to put my time and […]